
Friday, August 05, 2011

No, the Tea Party Did Not Win

Via Protein Wisdom:
Because we only win when the country and its citizenry win, and adding an additional $2.6 Trillion or so in debt with the promise of adding new government “revenue enhancement” legislation — all in exchange for distant reductions in the rate of spending on money we already don’t have — is not a win.
Because the debt ceiling was raised, insane spending habits were yet again rewarded, not punished.  Because there were no significant, meaningful, true cuts in spending (mainly there were only cuts in the rate of how fast spending increases), the economy is not going to improve. There has been no regulatory reform, either, on the contrary, the regulatory stranglehold on business is only getting worse.  So there will be no meaningful improvement in the economy, things will continue the downward motion toward Hades in a rickety handbasket.

Now that the debt ceiling has been lifted, borrowing is at 100% of Gross Domestic Product, which is insane (it was less than 33% in the not so distant future).  Yeah, that was the responsible thing to do, raising the debt ceiling.  Sheesh.

The media and politicians know this, which is why it is being spun as a 'win' for the Tea Party now, so they can be blamed for the inevitable later. This is why those calling for toned down rhetoric from true Constitutionalists are engaging in faux rage and using words like terrorist, jidadist, and hostage takers for those who merely stood for honest spending cuts and stopping the insane race toward spending obvlivion.  Is it because there's no meaningful distinction between those who stand for holding the line on spending, finally, for the first time in decades, and those who blow up women and children into tiny, bloody, bits to make a political statement?  Obviously, not.The purpose is to marginalize, dismiss, and demonize those who stand for actual, rather than pretend, spending cuts in your mind.  The purpose is frame your thinking so that you imagine it is somehow reasonable to require tax increases, to let the Bush tax cuts (which were not just for the rich, that is also a lie) expire, to somehow imagine that requiring the President to keep his campaign promises on entitle reform is unreasonably refusing to compromise. 

About the regulatory garrotting of business (and the 1.75 trillion dollar cost that gets passed on to us)...

You think food prices are rising quickly now?  How much faster will this happen when farmers go out of business because they have to reclassify all their farm vehicles as commercial vehicles, requiring the same sort of licensing and paperwork as semi truck drivers?  The burdens this imposes on family farms, on tenant farmers, crop share farmers, is mind numbing in scope.

This administration isn't particularly friendly toward family farms, of course.

Particularly those who sell raw milk- there's been another police raid on raw milk. This time it's a cooperative which was invaded by armed police officers after another wasteful year long sting operations, has had their money stolen and their inventory destroyed. Three people are in jail for 'conspiracy' to sell raw milk.  That's 'our' government at work for us, yes?  NO.
(Yes, there is some inflamed rhetoric in one of the articles. I will just point out that those being called terrorists were armed and destroyed the lawful possessions of civilians, which is a different order of magnitude from calling for a particular vote).

They aren't fans of cereal, either.  Actually, neither am I. Cereal is a dessert not a food, and I never bought sugar spiked blood sugar bombs for my kids for breakfast. It's a choice adults who are responsible for their own children can make. The government has little respect for letting adults make their own decisions, (unless it's to kill their unborn offspring). the new regulations are also going to affect Cheerios, Wheaties, and Raisin Bran, btw, not just the usual brands you think of when you think of.

Energy prices are about to shoot the moon- not because of the Middle East or the scarcity of oil, but because of our own EPA, which is set to regulate the energy industry to the point that prices will skyrocket while reliability diminishes. Our own government is moving us backward.  Except it isn't ours and hasn't been for a very long time.

But the media and the left (as usual, I repeat myself) want you to imagine the Tea Partiers are the extremists.  You might want to reconsider that.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more. We certainly didn't win. However, this is still OUR country. We mustn’t give up and think that we have no control. What we don't realize is we have tons of control over the market as individuals. Can you imagine if we all got debt free and stopped taking loans and credit cards? What would happen to all those ridiculously large banks? What if we stopped buying corporate food altogether? What if we only purchased American made or used items? What if we left public school by the droves? Money talks...and as consumers we are making the decisions for which way this country goes. I would venture to say that our dollars count more than our votes at this point.

    Did you hear that paid TV has taken a huge hit? People are making choices about what is important to them. Maybe having less money isn’t necessarily as bad of a crisis as they would like to make us believe. I hurt for families with no means of income, and I know it isn’t easy for them, and I pray for them to find income quickly. No BUTS. I do think though that these kinds of situation can bring us closer to God and our roots if we allow it.

    As for the "T" word, these people are getting desperate don't you think? People can plainly see that there are no acts of true terrorism, and unfortunately, Americans really do know what terrorism is really like. We all faced that terror on 9/11. They are making themselves look like idiots and liars.

    I have hope. I have faith that America, even with its faults, is still the America of our founders. With documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution, those ideas can NEVER die. They live deep within the national psyche. We just have to find a way to bring that back to the surface again.

    It won’t be overnight that we see changes. I do think though that the dent the Tea party made in Congress this time around HURT. They made the point that there are those out there who are willing to stand up to the establishment and do what is right, shake up the status quo. With that acknowledgment will come more Tea Party candidates in future elections. I foresee them winning many more seats in the years to come and even taking over the Rep. party in 2012.


Tell me what you think. I can take it.=)