
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Four Moms Q and A

And this week we have a special guest blogger- KIM B at LFL!

Beginning in August, we'll be blogging through Kim Brenneman's book, Large Family Logistics, and we have some very cool news for you!

Kim C. at Life in a Shoe was able to get an exclusive promo code for readers of the 4 Moms series to get 40% off LFL from Vision Forum!. The code is 4MOMS and is good through next Wednesday!

And Kim B (have you noticed how popular that name is??) has agreed to answer questions for us.  We already gave her some and she kindly provided answers for us to share.  Furthermore, she's very graciously promised to pop in and out amongst our four blogs over the next week and answer more questions in the comments- so be sure and leave some- yours just might be the question she's never heard yet!

We asked her a lot of questions, and then we divvied up the questions and answers, putting the questions in one pile, the answers in the other, and seeing if they matched.

No?  Okay, no. We did ask her a lot of questions and we did divide them up so there are no duplications in what we post. We did not play Upset The Fruit Basket with them.  We did not do anything so frivolous because we are serious mothers of many who have too much to do to be all silly like that. Plus, it was midnight and we were giggling enough as it was.  Also, it is totally a rumor that one of us wanted to ask Kim to choose which of us has the best hair.

Here are the three questions I pulled (with proper answers) from the Large Family Logistics Lady:

  1. Why is there no index?????
I requested one. That’s the only complaint I hear about the book. It’s my complaint also. Perhaps the publisher will put one in further editions. (What were they thinking?!)
  1. I totally agree that the foundation of  it all must be loving God and loving others.  What would be some suggestions for growing in those areas?
Pray without ceasing. Read your Bible so that you can learn to know God better. Make your Bible fall apart you read it so much. Just plan to get a new Bible next year because the one you have has been read so much by you personally and reading it to the children. Pray that God would open your eyes to see people as He does. Every time you are in contact with another person be a blessing to him or her. Smile at people and talk to them.
  1. Who do you think has the cutest grandbabies?
My mother and mother-in-law of course. I don’t have grandbabies yet but they will be as cute as my mom and mother-in-law’s grandbabies.  I think it will be so fun to be a grandma. Wow! I love to think about that.

Be sure to check out the links above to see the other questions and answers.

P.S. Which of four of us could benefit from the tips in this book the most?  I vote for the one who Skyped the following message last night at 10:00 PM:

Sorry, I'm eating supper and doing stuff online at the same time.  All while studiously ignoring the week's worth of unfolded laundry on my bed, which I have to fold so I can pack for the trip tomorrow.

I think I set my blueberry muffin down somewhere in the clean laundry.

No worries, though.  I found the muffin.  I mean, I heard the muffin was found, and the clean laundry was unscathed.

Our schedule for August:

  • August 4 - part 1: foundations and methods

  • August 11 - part 2 (chapters 18-27: planning your week)

  • August 18 -  part 2b (chapters 28-47: the nitty gritty details)

  • August 25 - appendices

  • Hope you can join us!!


    1. I'm sad I missed the midnight madness last night and glad that you found, ahem, heard the muffin was found.

    2. Question for Mrs. DHM or Mrs. LFLL or both -
      How would you recommend making the most of the local library with young children?

      Our teeny-tiny library is a two block walk away, but every time we go, I have the same struggles...

      - corralling children makes it difficult to search for books for myself or for them

      - my pre-school child is continually drawn to junk and twaddle. Junk = books not even good enough to be twaddle. These are the books that are usually on display in our library - books about trucks that make potty jokes, etc... My boy of boys is, of course, drawn to the trucks, but I don't like the messages in some of these books and some are just crass.

      - our home library is substantial, so we really don't NEED the library, but I think it is a valuable experience for a child and is good for getting out into our community.


    3. I've been wondering how to fit homeschooling in with all the morning routines, chores, dinner... etc.... all the things talked about in the book. I really like hearing about other peoples schedules. I'm trying to implement all the suggestions in the book, but it seems come fall, there will be no time for school!

    4. Waiting for Amazon to ship my book...

    5. Church Mouse - the pain of the library outweighs the pain of buying books. Really. With a bunch of kids, I'd rather have the books forever. Or be organized, get your list together so you're not sorting while you're there, and leave the kids at home. Choose another way to get into the community.

    6. momanna98-
      Make a priority list for which house chores need to get done so that the world doesn't fall apart. Then make a school list of what subjects HAVE to happen. Be sure that those things fit in before lunch. Plan the rest for after lunch when people start to lose steam. On a slightly related note-whatever curriculum you have been using might not be growing with your family. It might be time to modify it. Maybe just a little bit, maybe a lot.

    7. I'm like momanna98 wondering how it ALL does get done (and my boys aren't even "school age" yet). It seems like there is so much I need (teach son to read) and should (clean the house) and want (take a nap)to do but no time to do it.

    8. I need you to hurry through this as baby # 6 is due August 23.
      HAHA. Seriously though, this book is the first organizing book that didn't make me want to cry and give up the minute I opened it. Emminently practical, remarkably adaptable, wholly useful. I think the title should have been Loving Family Logistics because this is the information I needed with my first two kids!

    9. Ha ha ha ha - I love your humor! Looking forward to more! =)

    10. Subscribing to comments...thanks! :)


    Tell me what you think. I can take it.=)