That's my off the cuff approximation of Christopher Robin's cryptic note to his friends in the Hundred Acre Woods when he left for school (Busy, Back Soon).
My youngest brother has been out for a visit- I haven't seen him in about a dozen years.
Because he's been out for a visit, the Married Daughters and their families have been here more.
Because they've been here more, the Grandbabies have been having fun here, too.
Lots of fun:
Don't those little feets just make you want to SQUEEE!!
AND I have just wrapped up my third and last ladies' Bible Class on hospitality. Whew.
AND in lieu of my usual quarterly rearranging of the furniture in the house, I have had a friend doing the heavy lifting on rearranging the blog, and it will be unveiled soon. We have our own domain name, and a font that makes me so incredibly happy it's almost as good as eating chocolate just to look at it. It is Oh, so, pretty!!
The Striderling is WALKING- not just taking a few faltering steps here and there, but WALKING, and very proud he is, too.
The HM is definitely starting school to get his teaching degree. The Veteran's Admin will pay for that, plus a small stipend, which is, again, yet another pay cut, but it is a pay cut toward something better and something he will be happier doing. This summer will be tight, because school won't be in session.
However, he just found out that he will be able to work at the local airport for at least the first few days after school lets out.
We dodged a huge hit- the Colorado house we haven't been able to unload sustained thousands of dollars in damage from hail and wind, and for a few days we were biting our nails and praying (two activities which don't really go well together) that insurance would cover it- and, yes, insurance is covering all of it.
The DPG is keeping me humble- he walked in the other day and I was wearing a sleeveless top, which I never do in public. His eyes got big and he said, "Grayma! You've got squishy arms!!"
All the better to hug you with, my dear. All the better to hug you with.
Love that he calls you "Grayma"... adorable! :)