
Friday, May 11, 2012


Cleaning the living room, Pip brought in two pairs of my shoes.  The FYG was indignant because I am always getting on to her for leaving her own shoes lying about wherever she happens to kick them off, and she felt that this was a double standard.  I explained that there were two reasons for that.

One- this is my house.=)
Two- I was the adult and she was my child and it was my job to train her to be better than her mother.

The FYB said: Isn't part of that being a good example?

My response: Some parents are good examples.  I am the Horrible Warning.


  1. I was just thinking while folding the laundry that I hope my daughter grows up to be thoroughly disgusted with the way I do laundry so she'll be motivated to learn how to do it right. Nobody's perfect. ;-)

  2. I am SO using that line with my teenagers!

  3. I kind of think housework skips a generation. For example, because my mom was so good at it, I'm horrible at it and because I'm horrible at it, my daughter needs to be good at it. . .

  4. One question: Did she laugh or look at you pityingly?

  5. Haha! What a great comeback! As Gracie said, I just love you! :)

  6. Haha! What a great comeback! As Gracie said, I just love you! :)

  7. Oh I totally agree. This is a mother's prerogative. We have waited many years to be able to leave our shoes exactly where we want them.

  8. You know....we have exactly the same conversations about shoes at our house....and about why Mommy sometimes eats chocolate for breakfast the the kids are never allowed to do that.....

  9. LOL- that's right, raventhreads. After all, we have to given them something to look forward when they are adults.


Tell me what you think. I can take it.=)